We would like to give you an overview about the fees for our most frequently required treatments.
The fees might vary according to individual treatment requirements.
We aim to keep our patients informed ahead about the type of the treatment, potential alternatives and cost involved. After their examination our patients receive a written copy of the treatment plan with itemised costs.
Any alterations to the plan which arise during treatment will be discussed with our patients in advance. We aim to keep you informed about any necessary changes during treatment to allow you a final decision.
Initial examination (new patient) £ 85.10
Follow up examination £ 34.60
Examination for children £ 0.00
(accompanied by registered parents)
Small x-ray, each £ 9.15
Study models from £56.65
Periodontal / Gum treatment
Scale and polish from £ 36.85
Complex gum treatment from £135.75
Restorative treatment / Fillings
Amalgam based fillings from £ 78.65
Composite or glas ionomer fillings
(white fillings) from £ 104.88
Pin retention £ 52.85
Restorative treatment / Crowns and Bridges
Single crown,porcelain bonded to metal from £645.90
single crown, all ceramic quote on request
Veneers quote on request
Gold crown quote on request
Bridge quote on request
Implant quote on request
Prosthetic treatment / Dentures
Partial denture, plastic based quote on request
Partial denture,
chrome metal based quote on request
Full upper and full lower denture quote on request
Full upper or full lower denture,
each single from £ 551.30
Intermediate / emergency denture quote on request
Denture improvements
Fracture repair from £ 110.75
Fracture repair with impressions from £ 136.65
Reline per denture from £149.50
Soft reline per denture quote on request
Addition of 1 tooth to denture from £ 104.88
Endodontic treatment (Root Canal treatment)
Incisor from £ 271.40
Premolar from £ 378.60
Molar from £ 480.42
regular £78.55 - £ 157.15
surgical (wisdom teeth and similar) from £ 165.00
Emergency Appointment fee for unregistered patients from £ 105.05
(not applicable for registered patients)